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Temporary Work – International Agreement Visa

Temporary Work – International Agreement Visa

The UK International Agreement Visa is tailored for individuals looking to come to the UK to deliver services under international law. This includes roles like private servants in diplomatic homes or workers associated with foreign governments and global organisations.

The visa, however, isn’t a path to permanent settlement. Its holders can stay in the UK up to two years and can be accompanied by dependents, including partners and children below 18.

Eligibility for the UK International Agreement Visa:
To be considered for the UK International Agreement Visa, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Aim to serve as a private servant in a diplomatic household or as a worker for a foreign government or a globally recognised organisation under treaties signed by the UK.
  • Fulfil all role-specific criteria for your intended position.
  • Possess an authentic Certificate of Sponsorship for the role, provided by a licenced sponsor under the International Agreement Visa scheme.
  • Prove your genuine intent and capability to carry out the sponsored role, ensuring no engagement in any other job.
  • Demonstrate adequate personal savings for UK sustenance.
  • Not be denied due to general refusal reasons.
  • Present a legitimate TB certificate, if mandatory.

The requirements might vary based on personal situations. It’s advisable to consult with an immigration solicitor for guidance.

For discussions related to your UK International Agreement Visa application, get in touch with our expert team at Highwood Solicitors on +44 (0) 1206523714 or fill in our online query form.

Specific Criteria for Diplomatic Household Private Servants:
To qualify under this category, one must:

  • Be engaged as a private servant for a member of a diplomatic mission or a global organisation official, both recognised by UK standards and laws.
  • Avoid direct blood or marital relations with the employer or their spouse.
  • Commit full-time to the sponsored role, excluding other engagements.
  • Earn at least the National Minimum Wage during the stay.
  • Furnish evidence of employment conditions and an assurance from the sponsor regarding the nature of the role.
  • Assure the intention to exit the UK post the allowed duration.

Criteria for Workers of Foreign Governments or Global Organisations:
Applicants must:

  • Have an employment contract with the foreign body or global organisation.
  • Avoid any other job role other than the one specified in the Certificate of Sponsorship.

Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for International Agreement Workers:
A valid CoS is essential. It must be issued by an employer with an authentic International Agreement sponsor license. The employer should ideally be registered as A-rated on the Home Office’s sponsor list, and the CoS should be recent, issued within the last three months.

Key CoS details include the applicant’s name, role, salary, and confirmation of its singular use.

Genuine Job Assurance:
Applicants must prove their genuine intent and capacity to fulfil the sponsored role exclusively.

Financial Criteria for International Agreement Worker Visa:
Unless the applicant has been in the UK for a minimum of 12 months or the sponsor commits to cover the initial UK expenses (confirmed via the CoS), a savings of at least £1,270 held for 28 days is essential.

English Proficiency:
The UK International Agreement Visa doesn’t mandate an English language proficiency test.

Duration and Extensions for International Agreement Workers:
Successful applicants can reside in the UK for 24 months or the period indicated in their CoS, whichever is lesser. Extensions can be sought for up to 24 months, ensuring employment with the original sponsor.

Settlement Considerations:
While the visa isn’t a direct route to settlement, there are other immigration paths that can lead to indefinite stay permissions.

Switching and Conditions:
Internal UK switches to this visa are not allowed. Successful applicants can exclusively work for their sponsors, as detailed in the CoS.

Processing Times and Dependents:
Applications typically get processed within 3 weeks, but priority services can expedite this. Successful visa holders can bring dependent partners and children under 18 to the UK.

Visa Rejections:
Denied applications can be reattempted or reviewed administratively.

How Highwood Solicitors Can Assist:
At Highwood Solicitors, our team excels in guiding private servants and international employees in navigating UK immigration. We’re dedicated to offering transparent, reliable, and friendly services. Ensure your visa application aligns with your career ambitions by partnering with us.

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