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Settlement by Investment

Settlement by Investment

Settlement by Investment

Highwood Solicitors, a leading UK firm, is here to guide you through the process of achieving settlement in the UK via investment. Delve into the specifics of the Tier 1 Investor and Tier 1 Entrepreneur categories within the UK’s points-based system.

Eligibility Criteria for Investment-Based Settlement in the UK

To achieve indefinite leave to remain in the UK via investment, you’ll need to fulfil certain core requirements, irrespective of the specific category:

  • You must have lawfully resided in the UK in an approved category, typically for a continuous 5-year period, unless you’re seeking accelerated settlement.
  • In the 12 month periods leading up to your application, your absences from the UK must not exceed 180 days.
  • Adequate English language proficiency is required, unless you’re 65 years or older.
  • Completion of the Life in the UK test is necessary, again, unless you’re 65 or older.

There are also category-specific criteria which further detail eligibility for each investment pathway.

Key Points on Investment-Based Settlement

Gaining settlement through investment, or indefinite leave to remain, entitles you to live in the UK without time constraints. However:

  • A prolonged absence from the UK (over 2 years) might make your settled status void. In such cases, consider the Returning Resident visa for re-entry.
  • To secure a British passport, you must be a permanent UK resident. Naturalisation as a British Citizen mandates this.
  • If you’re 65 or older, you’re exempt from the English language test and the Life in the UK test. There are also provisions to exempt those with specific mental or physical conditions. There are additional exemptions available.
  • If you’re already residing in the UK but don’t meet the English proficiency standards, you may still be eligible to extend your stay to demonstrate your language proficiency.

How Highwood Solicitors Can Assist You

Our seasoned solicitors at Highwood Solicitors consistently guide investors, entrepreneurs, and their families towards achieving investment-based settlement in the UK.

Whether you need an expert’s perspective on the Immigration Rules, an objective evaluation of your settlement prospects, or professional support in crafting your application for indefinite leave, our team is ready to assist.

At Highwood Solicitors, we blend expertise with a personal touch. We are committed to offering clear, reliable, and approachable immigration advice. Trust in our dedication to understand and cater to your requirements with utmost professionalism.

Contact Us Today
For more information or to get started, reach out to us at +44 (0) 1206523714. Highwood Solicitors is here to support your journey to UK settlement.

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