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Parent Of A Child Visa

Child's Parent Visa

Parent Of A Child Visa

A UK Child’s Parent Visa offers parents the pathway to reside in the UK to look after their child. For eligibility, the child should already be residing in the UK and be a British or Irish national, have a settled or pre-settled status in the UK.

After a five-year duration on this visa, it offers an avenue towards indefinite leave to remain or UK settlement.

If you’re considering applying as a Spouse, Civil Partner, Fiancé, Proposed Civil Partner, or Unmarried Partner, you should explore those respective visa categories instead of the Child’s Parent route.

Criteria for the UK Child’s Parent Visa
For a successful visa application, you must demonstrate to UK Visas and Immigration:

  1. You’re at least 18 years old.
  2. Your child is below 18.
  3. Your child resides in the UK.
  4. Your child is a British/Irish national, settled, or has pre-settled status.
  5. Either:
    • You possess sole parental authority; or
    • The child typically lives with another parent/carer who is British/Irish or has a settled/pre-settled status in the UK, who isn’t your partner, and you’re ineligible for a partner visa. You should have direct access to the child, agreed upon with the primary carer or as mandated by a UK court.
  6. You play an active role in your child’s upbringing.
  7. You can support yourself and any dependants without public funds.
  8. You meet the English language requirement.

For tailored advice, consider consulting an immigration solicitor.

To discuss your application, reach out to Highwood Solicitors at +44 (0) 1206523714 or complete our contact form.

Child’s UK Status Clarifications
For your Child’s Parent Visa, your child should:

  • Be in the UK when applying.
  • Either be a British/Irish citizen, have settled status, or have pre-settled status.

This visa route isn’t suitable if the child resides abroad.

Understanding Parental Eligibility for the Visa
The term ‘parent’ isn’t just restricted to biological relations. It can encompass:

  • Stepparents, especially if the biological parent has passed away.
  • Both parents of a child born out of wedlock, provided the father’s relation is validated.
  • Adoptive parents under specified conditions.
  • Individuals granted parental responsibilities due to the original parent’s inability to cater for the child.

However, if the child typically resides with another British/Irish or settled/pre-settled parent or carer, they shouldn’t be your partner.

Defining Parental Responsibility for the Visa
You must either hold sole parental responsibility or share it with the child’s primary carer. Sole responsibility implies that you’re the chief decision-maker in the child’s life. Shared responsibility means an arrangement with another parent/carer who isn’t your partner and meets the specified criteria.

Your Role in the Child’s Life
Your application should illustrate your active involvement in your child’s life. Comprehensive documentation is required to showcase your commitment.

Financial and Accommodation Considerations
You must prove that you can sustain yourself and any dependants without relying on public benefits. Your accommodation shouldn’t be overcrowded or flout public health regulations.

English Language Proficiency
Unless exempt, you must prove proficiency in English at least to CEFR level A1. Various ways are available to meet this requirement.

Supporting Documents: A Vital Aspect
A frequent reason for visa refusal is the lack of adequate supporting documents. Ensure that you provide all necessary documentation in the correct format and as per the guidelines. It’s advisable to seek advice from a legal professional regarding this.

For personalised guidance, contact Highwood Solicitors on +44 (0) 1206523714 or use our online form.

Understanding the Visa Fees and Duration
Currently, applying for the Parent Visa from outside the UK costs £1,523. Switching or extending from within the UK costs £1,033.

Initially, this visa is valid for 33 months. Extensions and pathways to permanent residence are available after meeting certain requirements.

Working Privileges, Transition to Permanent Residency, and Other FAQs
Being on a Parent Visa grants full UK work rights. After five years, you can apply for indefinite leave to remain. Various scenarios, like changes in your child’s age during the application process, are addressed in our detailed FAQ section.

How Highwood Solicitors Can Assist You
At Highwood Solicitors, we’re adept at assisting international parents in settling in the UK. From application guidance to understanding the nuances of the Immigration Rules, our team is here to support you. We offer a holistic and friendly service tailored to your needs.

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