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Long Term Work Visas

Health And Care Worker Visa

Health And Care Worker Visa

The Health and Care Worker Visa in the UK welcomes skilled professionals in healthcare and social care to work and contribute to the country's vital healthcare system.

International Sportsperson Visa

The International Sportsperson Visa in the UK is designed for elite athletes and sportspeople to compete, train, and participate in sports-related activities.

Business Mobility Visas

Intra-Company Transfer Visa

The Intra-Company Transfer Visa allows multinational companies to transfer their employees to a UK branch for work-related purposes.

Minister Of Religion Visa (T2)

The Minister of Religion Visa (T2) in the UK permits religious ministers to work for religious organizations, fulfilling spiritual roles.

Representative Of Overseas Newspaper, News Agency Or Broadcasting Organisation Visa

The Representative of Overseas Newspaper, News Agency, or Broadcasting Organization Visa allows employees of foreign media to work in the UK.

Scale-Up Visa

The Scale-Up Visa in the UK is designed for entrepreneurs and innovators with a high potential to scale their businesses and contribute to the country's economy.

Other Work Visas

Skilled Worker Visa

The Skilled Worker Visa in the UK allows foreign nationals with job offers from UK employers to work in various skilled roles.